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  4. Hi, several weeks later and still no sign for a solution to the Login Problem? Thje Algeth Launcher indicates Green for the Server, i can Start the game fine. After hitting "Log In" it stays on [Connecting] for hours - shows no error In my Launcher log it shows an Error: ### Error 170 ###
  5. is this coming back or should i just look for a new private server ! been playing this game since it first came out im 53 and and was a GM for blizz but would love to play. hope you get this server back up im willing to help if needed.






    I need help, my game looks like this and I can't log in.






  7. Try installing minimal client that worked 4 me but the server is down
  8. when i launch the game i get The CAS system was unable to initialize: Unable to initialize CAS from build info file. No active entries Error (11): needs repair How do i fix it?
  9. i fink me and many others are wondering wen this will b back up n running
  10. Qui a un autre sérveur du coup ? j'ai ésseyer tous ce qui a été dit dans ce poste rien a y faire
  11. I have tried full and minimal install. Using the battle.net install trick won't work, as it says I have the wrong version, so I cannot get to the game at all
  12. I had the same issue and I tried to fix it, I installed WoW from battlenet into the same folder that algeth was in. I am no longer getting the CAS system error and I can launch the game but it will not let me log into my account and when i try to it says i have been disconnected and gives me an error code WOW51900317, which I get regardless of if I put my email and password in correctly.
  13. How do I chose my Algeth game file on battle net? I cant change it
  14. Found a fix that rely on the battle.net launcher, simply download it select you Algeth game file on the world of warcraft tab on battle net then select repair game file !! Thanks for nothing Algeth game devs ;P
  15. Bonjour la Commu, je souhaiterais vous rejoindre , mais le launcher me DL le client leger a une vitesse incroyable de 1 BK/S .... ma co n'a aucun soucis, Steam DL A 10 Mo/s Des infos / conseils / help please !!! hahaha Merci par avance
  16. ok. I left Retreat and at Stormwind. I now have instant poison. Was just given to me after leaving it seems.
  17. I'm in the Expedition Retreat starter area and Doesn't seem the npc needed for the Rogue's End quest is in game, by the big bear Killclaw. From what I read online this is how you learn instant poison. Is instant poison not in this version of the game? If it is, how do I go about obtaining that ability for my rogue? Ty.
  18. Bonjour, si tu a télécharge le luncher avec l'antivirus activé, l'antivirus détecte un ver et empêche de lancer le jeu. désactive le
  19. bonjour je viens de créée un compte impossible de me connecté ou de cree un personnage je reste bloque a jouer ?? mercri
  20. new player and just finished my install that took overnight. im now getting this with a "Error (11): needs repair. has ANYONE fixed this?
  21. Vihren97

    WoW Error

    Hello guys, I got this Error, can anyone help me out, why I keep gettin this error even if I reinstall it ?
  22. It is a long time since I played WOW, so forgive me if I overlooked something obvious. How do I start Pet Battles? I have the quests for pet battles, I have the skill to revive my battle pets, I see an animal which has "Capturable" in its tooltip and when I right click I start to attack it. My first try killed an innocent squirrel. 😞 How?
  23. https://algeth.com/bugtracker/home.php
  24. Where can we report broken quests and when are you planning to fix them? Made 3 characters and all 3 can't progress due to main quests being broken.....
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